They crouched to peer beneath the stairs, the grime and dirt on the old hardwood floor unsettling beneath their feet.
"Come on, Benji. Come out." Jorgia slipped her hand into her pocket, grasping a dog treat. She dropped it at her feet in a futile attempt to lure their "lost" puppy out from under the staircase.
Ashley began to pace the hall, scrutinising the mysterious markings etched into the dirty, peeling walls.
"Hurry, Jorgia," she breathed, "We should get out of here soon."
Jorgia inhaled deeply and swiftly slid her small frame underneath the stairs. Engulfed in an atmosphere of darkness and dust, she edged her way towards her shivering puppy, who was nervously sniffing the ground.
"Jorgia!" Ashley called after her.


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rosieee (joined almost 7 years ago)

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They crouched to peer beneath the stairs.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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