This girl was smokin' hot and carried an umbrella that matched her gown. She was on her way to a sumo wrestling match between her husband, Xiao and his enemy, Chan. She was worried for her significant other, for he has been training for this match for his entire life -- this was his one moment to prove himself in the ring. For weeks, she watched Xiao drink eggs for breakfast and squats before bed. That said, she was confident that he would prove himself. She was confident that his training was enough to overtake his enemy.

She finally reached the pit, and sat in her ringside seat. The opening ceremonies began. She observed the fire in her husbands eyes; he was ready to pounce. Down he crouched, still eying his opposition. The referee gave the signal and the two were off to the races. They locked arms, and Xiao whispered in Chan's ear: "I've been waiting for this." And Xiao threw him out of the ring... out of the statium... so far he was knocked into last week. xio


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DrewBreyer (joined over 13 years ago)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


Once, in Beijing, a young girl in a red gown huddled in a doorway.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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