Jayne was glad to escape the chemical smell of the dentists surgery. She held her little brothers hand tight as he continued to sob. He hated it more. Their father strode in front, an unusual occurence. Mum hadn't been able to get the time off work so dad had been forced to take the time of drinking and take them.
Now, as mum had promised, they made their way to the Albion Cinema to see bambi. Jaynes stomach was knotted in sheer excitement and little David soon ceased his whining as they neared the entrance.
But soon Dad was arguing with the lady in the booth. 'A pound' he bellowed, 'I'm not paying that'?
Jaynes heart sank and her sense of betrayal choked in her little throat. She knew Mum had already given him the money. David began to wail.
Years later Jayne sat on the sofa her arms around her little brood and saw Bambi for the first time. Her Dad had long since gone. Liver diseaes


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