So, maybe she wasn't what a guy wanted in a girlfriend. She was loud, and rowdy. Always speaking her mind, blunt to a fault.

She didn't know what guys wanted, They just didn't want her.

21 years old and not one date, not even a first kiss. "Failure." She breathed.

"Did you say something, Charlotte?" Her mother asked, she shook her head.

"Nope." She continued to look out the window as her mother drove down the highway.

What was wrong with her, she didn't feel ugly. and she liked her sense of humor, but then why was she so invisible to the opposite sex?

Watching all her friends get noticed, hearing about their many dates and relationships. It was all just too much.

"When will it finally be my turn?" She asked herself, "My turn to be turn to get some attention?" She was so tired of the excuses her friends gave her to the reason of her singlehood.

Not God's time, not ready, boys are stupid. No excuse, not one - ever made her feel any better.

Maybe there really was something wrong with her, something that made her invisible to every boy around her.

She sighed as she stared out the window, wondering when her day would come.


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BrittanyKirstenKenny (joined about 13 years ago)

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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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