He ran into the room, his heart poundinf, and his clothes soaking wet. He had never felt sich all consuming fear as when he had walked into her bedroom to find her gone.

His darling, his little one, the part of him that was part of his wife as well. His Bella.

The ransom note was pretty standard so the police said. £5000000 pounds. Non sequential. Not marked.

He had the money, so he got it together and walked to the meet.

They got the money, but his Bella wasn't there. He heard no more from the kidnappers.

The police were sympathetic, said they would do all they could, said they would find her. I didn't beleive them.

It started to rain as I walked home. All that was left of my sweet Sally and she was gone.

I started to run as the rain fell harder, for miles till I reached my door. And then I saw it, through the water, a blue scarf, the one my sweet Bella had been wearing. The door to the outhouse was open.

I kept running. I through open the door and tehre she was, curled up around the hosepipe with her favorite doll.

The ransom had been a fake. I took her in my arms. groggily she looked at me I


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Ararelucidness almost 13 years ago

oh, sorry for the typo's and also for switching from third person halfway through and leaving the last sentence hanging (damn timer!), if you comment enough (Please) I will be able to edit it and fix the problems!

Galen almost 13 years ago

Actually, comments don't add reputation at this point... I'll consider adding that feature, but for now you can only get reputation from having people favorite your stories, agree with your comments or like your prompts.

You're only 2 reputation points away from editing though, so get some friends to favorite your story and you're good to go! :D

Ararelucidness almost 13 years ago

Ahh ok, Thanks!

Ararelucidness (joined almost 13 years ago)

Im a country lass from deep within Nelson's county in the East of England.

I wish I was more like the person I am in my head.

I wish I was a femme fetale.

I wish that everyone dressed like they did in the 40's.

I wish people wore more hats.

I wish I wore hats.

I wish I could walk past a jewellery shop with out stopping.

Maybe one day some of the above will come true.

1 favorites

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Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0


He ran into the room, his heart pounding, and his clothes soaking wet.
Prompt suggested by Ararelucidness


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