"This is it?" Leila said with a wrinkled nose, her hands were clasped behind her back as she slowly approached the animal.

Myron stared at the blue ribbon sitting in a bow on the back of her head, eclipsing her dark brown tresses like an enormous butterfly. His eyes traveled down to her feet and the way her calves flexed as she walked on her toes around the creature.

"I wasn't lying, was I?"

"Dunno," Leila replied, and she hopped on a crate, her lanky, boyish form backlit by golden rays. It shone through her hair, making it more like honeyed chocolate. She licked the tip of her finger and tapped it. "Looks like they took a Narwal tusk and stuck it on a horse."

"A what?" Myron asked, he scratched the back of his head, realized his hands were trembling, and even his upper thighs had a shiver. "Look, Leila, I told you that I could find you a unicorn so now .... well you promised!"

"Ha," Leila snorted and she jumped off the crate, "I didn't come in here to see a Narwal horn."

"What...what is that?" Myron exclaimed, hating the sudden crack in his voice.

Leila rolled her honey eyes, "It's a whale thing, it has a horn. What kind of geek are you? Catch you later."

And like that, she was gone, leaving Myron alone to stare at the unicorn. Only at that moment did the creature shudder and then shake it's mane.

"Thanks a lot asshole," Myron spat.

"I didn't like her," the unicorn replied, "She looks like a snob. Come with me to the forest, there are better maidens there."

Myron sighed and gazed at the open doorway, "Stupid unicorn."


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DazedPuckBunny (joined almost 14 years ago)
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Twitchy lady who is addicted to tea and writing. That pretty much sums me up. :)

I'm a bit overly friendly, maybe creepily so, but that's okay. I refuse to apologize.

Track me down at: http://ceemartinez.blogspot.com


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boy romance girl unicorn flirting teens


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