Loved him for an evening.

Sienna had a way of loving them that way. In one evening her compassion for the man at her side transcended adoration.

The men usually left quickly, a blur of parties, cigarettes and alcohol. She was happy enough that way, and of course so were they.

The man in the red hoodie was a bit different. About ten years younger than her if she cared to admit it. As slim as her, with large, dark, cow eyes. Sweet as pudding and she let him linger a week.

Apparently had found religion recently, tried bringing her to Jesus just as she dragged him to sin. He worried for her. He wanted her to repent.

She suggested he repent for himself and leave, it would be better for both of them.

He lingered longer. Never by her side, never exchanging words, but always there, disappearing with the blink of her eye.

Sienna's true love was Poppy. The little girl was eight, and vibrant, and had skin like caramel and dark, tight curls. She often left her with a babysitter.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the hood. She squinted and went into the party. Forgot about him by midnight.


Sienna answered the phone, "Yes Poppy?"

"Babysitter went outside and never came back."

"What?" She frowned, "Is this another prank?"

"Someone was outside and she hasn't come back!"

Sienna scowled, her forehead fired and she broke the cigarette to burn her fingers, "Who was outside?"

"Don't know," Poppy said with a warble in her voice, "He was wearing a red hoodie."

The party music swelled and Sienna stumbled getting to the door.


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DazedPuckBunny (joined almost 14 years ago)
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Twitchy lady who is addicted to tea and writing. That pretty much sums me up. :)

I'm a bit overly friendly, maybe creepily so, but that's okay. I refuse to apologize.

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stalker party mother daughter


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