The waves crashed into the enormous ship and smashed mightily into the sides, reducing them to no more than sodden firewood. Men clung to the sails and mast as the captain yelled, "Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Lord have mercy on us all!"

And the first few men who obeyed their captain were lost forever to the ferocious seas, pulled down by the weight of the ocean, by the fierceness of the waves as they rolled and rocked and never stopped moving. The rest were too afraid to leave the confines of what had been their home for these many long months, preferring a charge of mutiny to whatever the boiling blue depths had to offer them. Not that it mattered - there was no saving them. Whether they jumped now, or waited until the ship was broken into a million pieces, they would enter the water, and it would kill them.

The captain, a brave man on the outside who was just a bully in a uniform in reality, kept shouting, his voice becoming a staccato high pitched scream as he realised his power was now gone, that it was nothing compared to the power of nature all around him.

I cannot confirm any of this is true, of course. I was in the brig, chained to the wall. I had been the captain, and now only had my imagination to enjoy. Perhaps there was no storm. Perhaps it was just a bit windy, a little gale. I would know soon enough.


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lisamarie20010 (joined almost 14 years ago)

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storm powerful captain fear drown death


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