Why didn't you hear me when I called? Or did I not hear you hearing me? Is that possible? I guess anything's possible these days. Just turn on anything. Better yet, try turning something off. Good luck. I think the whirring sound above may have something to do with your leaving, but I've been wrong before. Please give a sign. I'll just stand here. No wait, I'll stand here instead. How's this? Is this far enough to be safe? Look, I'm not even waving my arms. I'm simply here for you and your lazy gesture. How many have made that kind of offer to you? Don't answer that. I heard an echo of the first time you spoke my name but it was coming from over there. Did you share our whisper with another? I'm not mad, I'm just asking. What will happen when it gets dark and you still haven't done anything? I will start growing cold but I will not succumb until I say so. Let me try again: did you hear me that time? You heard me, don't get smart. I know you. I know your heart. I heard it pull away from me and


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JaneElias (joined almost 10 years ago)

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