Marjorie was drowning. She felt the pull of the water on her legs and the icy shock in her heart. She hadn't even felt the hands on her back as she strolled along the darkened pier. She knew she was going to die and deep within her soul knew that she didn't want to. She kicked with all her might and little by little she began to ascend toward the surface. Her legs tangled up in weed attached to the piers structure like an obscene cat's cradle. She hauled at it, tearing her skin as she did so, the salt water mixing with her blood to create a life affirming pain she had never felt before,

She would not die here. It was not her time. She continued kicking. At last, she burst through to the surface gasping for air. She didnt see the 10 foot wave as it hurled her into the pier.


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Chris Barnes (joined almost 10 years ago)

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