The sheep were at pasture and he tried not to disturb them as he jumped over the fence and darted across the field. He had to keep moving, if he stopped they would catch him, if they caught him they would kill him. It was a game, he was the odd one out, he'd been playing along, thought he was include but no, they'd kept him out, always kept him separate so they could use him. When the moment was right, when the moment had come, they had pounced. One had circled around him while the others continued to dance. As he came up behind him he grabbed his arms and pushed them up behind his back. He'd fought as hard as he could and finally he managed to break free and pull away. The others gave chase but had had to stop first to put their clothes on. One stayed back to douse the fire. He ran through the woods as quickly as he could and then when he came to the road he ran along it for about forty feet before leaping into the brush. From there he entered into the field, hardly noticing the sheep. A few bleated as he whizzed by, gasping and out of breath. He ran uphill until finally, crouching low, he found a place to hid and catch his breath. He saw the flashlights. It wouldn't be long.


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yamnasus (joined almost 14 years ago)
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Wow! Love the 6 minute story! That was fun, heart still racing.
I have the feeling I might get addicted to this site. ;0)

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