Water. Surrounded her from every direction on the huge cruise ship. She loved being out in the ocean, looking out as far as she could see and seeing nothing but water.

Her husband, on the other hand...

"Honey, please get up. Open your eyes and see!"

He shook his head, grasping tighter to his paper bag. "Shouldn't have allowed you to talk me into this...never should have listened to you."

She sighed, thinking her husband sounded so sickly and confused. Sad thing is he never threw up, loaded up on motion sickness meds weeks in advanced, and he barely felt the boat rocking as it cruised along.

How she loved him.

Leaning down, she kissed his lips tentatively. "Come on, sicky. Let's get off the deck if you can't handle it."


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HeatherGwrites (joined almost 14 years ago)
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I write and am in a long term relationship with chocolate. Yummmmyyy!!! (I'm also random to a fault.)

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